Saturday, September 04, 2010

Sir Isaac Newton

Nota Bene: This entry is not for the faintest of heart nor for MINORS. Parental guidance is NOT reccomended because KIDS are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.

The 3rd Law of Newton:
Lex III: Actioni contrariam semper et æqualem esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse æquales et in partes contrarias dirigi.
Translation:To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.


Sometimes people think I am unpredictable! I am actually very predictable! In evey action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

If you think that I am being nasty, think for a few minutes of what you did to annoy me. Because I think I am a logical and reasonable person. If you think that I am not, then you do not know me and I suggest you tape your dick on a brick wall and shove it down your ass, sideways!

I hate people who thinks that they are better than everyone else. There was this guy, who thinks that just because he can shout louder than everyone else, he is superior. Newsflash! If you want to be respected you have to respect others. You do not impose RESPECT, it is earned.

If you are new on a job and you think that your colleagues do not give you the proper respect due you, then I suggest you start gaining their trust. Do not be a SHOW-OFF because nobody likes a braggart! And the more you show yourself to the bosses, the more you make your colleagues (or staffs) distrust you.

If you are a boss, do not be cunning! Your staffs are not stupid! As a matter of fact, do not underestimate the power of an underestimated person! For all you know, they are just cunning you the same way that you do them.

This is why I do not kiss ass! My mother once told me that at school, the students who are kiss-ass are the students who's brain is highly valued if auctioned because it is slightly used, and to compensate the lack thereof, they kiss-ass. Also, If the student deserve the honor he/she gets, she need not kiss-ass, because the teacher would know his/her worth.

That was not the real explanation my mother told me but Its the gist. Of course my mother would not use such words. Ha ha ha!

There was also this girl, who annoys me because whenever I saw her looking at herself in the mirror and admiring herself saying that she is pretty, I wanted to slam her face in the mirror until her face bleed and her senses restored. Ha ha ha!

Dont get me wrong, I say that I am pretty, BUT and let me say that again, BUT I am completely aware that I am not! I am just joking but when I heard this girl say that she is pretty, I really really wanted to give her a gift. A MIRROR. That, or an eye surgery. Ha ha ha!

There are a lot of nuisance surrounding me right now but I think all I need to to keep my sanity is just to keep everything to myself and wait for this LOSERS to attack me. I once read on a book (forgot the title) which was based on a Macchiavellian theory that the best defense is offense but I still would like to play it fair. I will wait for them to make the offense and they will realize that my defense is their offense.Sorry, I hope you play chess so you can understand me better.

As I was saying: The way you treat me is what will be given to you as well. If you are hating me, its because I deliberately made you hate me because you annoy me and you deserve it.

Anyway, I am not responsible for the happiness or the downfall of the kibitzers. So, if you are doing the same to annoy me, then let me tell you this.Prepare to be annihilated! Rot in Hell!

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