Thursday, September 30, 2010

In Pursuit of PERPETUAL Bliss

Disclaimer: Anyone who read this and disagree is advised to shove their foot in their mouth. Hey! Write your own BLOG! To each his own!

In life, I do believe we have our own calling. If we focus our minds to what we want, we can achieve it.

Let's try to analyze everything about you. Sit back, relax and brace yourself:

Remember what I told you before? If you want the harsh truth, you come to me. If you want some chocolate-covered-bullshit you can go somewhere else. So I am telling you, do not read this if you feel that you cannot handle the truth. Close my site and start doing something else. Because this BLOG is not for the faint of heart:

The first time I saw you, you were this awkward-looking girl who looks like Rica Peralejo (except that Rica has a better posture) and stared at me when introduced by Therrie Sy. You reminded me that I was bitchy way back, but hey! I'm still bitchy now! So don't flatter yourself when you're telling this to people like I have a favoritism or something. Ha Ha Ha! Plus the fact that I am consistent!

Back then, you do not have the drive. You do not have the focus. What you have is a lot of guts and whole lot of baggage.

You keep on telling people that you are doing everything for your daughter. You keep on telling them that you do everything for your family. You keep on telling that to people and you finally believed it.

Here's the thing: I love you gurl! You are my friend! If not, why would I even waste my saliva spewing words at you when you self-destruct? If you are not my friend, I would not even care! I would be at the sideline like the pack of kibitzers that you have, pretend to listen to you like they do and then stab you at your back. What I am telling you right now, is what I told you before.

Wake up gurl! The days of the boys and booze are over! This LIFETIME is for you! This life is not to be wasted looking for the endless pursuit to happiness, because the key to happiness is contentment. And I am sorry to say but you don't have that, at least not yet.

I told you, GO HOME! Think, Ponder, Wander.

Go home and you can hibernate for a month just thinking of the next strategy in your life. YOUR STRATEGY! Because clearly, you do not have that. Do not be impulsive! If everything is for Alex, then you have to realize that you cannot give everything for a child (especially because they are still young) because when they get older and you have no savings, they will resent the fact that you can no longer provide.

SAVE! It is better not to buy material things which will fade. You might say, how come I buy lots of shoes? Then my dear, the answer to that would be: I am single. I earn my money for myself only. I do not have a family to send money to and I do not have a child depending on me. But hey! I am no longer single, I'm engaged and very soon-to-be Mrs. Cheapo.

Save. Save. Save. It will serve its purpose especially when no one is taking care of you anymore. When you are old and limp and gray. And the people you rely on are no longer available. When you can no longer find your PRINCE because sweetie, a prince will be busy looking for a PRINCESS.

Next, you cannot FIND MR. Right in a Club! You will find Mr. Right-Now! Stop looking for a man who will complete you. Stop looking for a man, period! The right one will find you and not the other way around. It is way better for a man to find you rather than you finding them because they would appreciate you better.

You place in your FB that you are a hopeless romantic. But then you say and act otherwise. At least Wendy is consistent! Start living your life. YOUR LIFE. Not for anyone elses. Otherwise you will just be branded as Hopeless where I hope you are only Romantic.

Let me inculcate you with something concerning men. They will never respect you if you do not respect yourself. You will be stubborn and insist you are respected by men. Well, if they do, its because they want something and after they satisfied themselves they will leave you with nothing. Its not because they are bad people. Its not because they are monsters. Its not because they are LIARS. Its not because of anything else that you are thinking.

They will never respect you because you allow them. You allow them to treat you that way. You allow them to use you and abuse you and use you some more. You allow them to call you in the middle of the night for a booty call. This kind of men, do not like you, do not love you and do not respect you. YOU ALLOW THEM!

And again, you will be stubborn saying: YES! I allow them, because I like to. Then my dear, stop convincing people that you are a romantic. I know, sometimes you want to camouflage your feelings for fear of being judged but hey! you will be judged for as long as you open your mouth. You are already judged without opening your mouth, how much more if you open it?

Bottomline is, no need to spread your life on FB. Sometimes, I feel that you lack attention that's why you wanted to tell people even the minutest detail of your life. Your FB friends are not the composition of your friend. Some are just kibitzers who wanted first-hand gossip. And you have to feed them with what you want to tell the whole world. Deliberately.

There are several questions in mind that you have to answer yourself. What have you accomplished in Life? What have you accomplished in Dubai? What brought you to Dubai in the first place? A love lost, it can never be found. Forget about it. Its a history that you do not want to repeat. Its a MISTAKE that you would not want to commit.

If the reason why you went to Dubai is to earn money then that is BS. Because we both know that you can earn the same amount of money in the Philippines. If the reason is for your family, then do not buy a lot of material things rather save it for RAINY DAYS. If the reason is finding your prince, then what have you accomplished? You have kissed (and more) a lot frogs which never became princes. NOBODY became a prince. Not even one. You want to wallow in self-pity, FINE! Dust yourself afterwards and stop looking for the perfect man. NOBODY is perfect. I am not. YOU are not perfect. So stop weaving dreams of a Mr. Perfect. Decide for yourself what kind of man you wanted. Specifically and practically and fair. Do not dream of having David Beckham because he is married. Try to dream a reachable dream.

What do you want in life? What do you want to achieve? This is your year. Live this LIFE but live by example. Because you are no longer a single lady. You have a child looking up to you and you want her to live a life which is lesser complicated than what you did.


You are beautiful and this will not last forever. So use it. But use it wisely. Do not succumb to the requests of your flesh. It is not wise.

Think. Ponder. Wander.

There are a lot of things I could have said, a lot of words I could have written. But the question now is: Are you willing to change your life?

Think. Ponder. Wander.

If you want to start. Start fresh. Start a new beginning. A new life. Choose your friends. SAVE money for the future. Change your perspective in MEN. Stop chasing the rainbows and act accordingly. PRAY. and if that doesn't work. PRAY harder.

Everything else will fall to its place in Gods will.


If you need me, I'm just here. A SKYPE away, an FB away and a phone call away. But I'm just here. To tell you the truth when everyone else are giving you BS and telling you things that YOU WANT TO HEAR. I will not be that friend. I am a friend who will tell you the truth, the harsh and painful TRUTH because no one else does. And its okay if you dont want to listen, I am used to people not listening to my advise. The point is, it is exhilirating at the end knowing that I WAS RIGHT! And you dont need to tell me that.
Goodluck to the new chapter of your life. I hope you start it right. I hope you make it right. My prayers goes with you. And my heart will be with you and this blog be your guidance.

I love you gurl! Make it happen! Make me PROUD!

Taken at Jambase


  1. very well said madam. Everything is so real and soo true. U really know me well. Thank you for still being here with me even if I am not listening. I so like it and love it!!!! More blogs to come!!!

  2. Is this Queen Isadora the one featured in the blog?
