Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sex & The City

I have been a BIG (No, HUGE) fan of Sex and the City. It started while I was in college and I felt that it was fun and though I was on my twenties and they are on their thirties, i still felt that I can relate with the girls!

Though I really want to be a Carrie Bradshaw, I felt that I was cheating. Because deep inside me I knew I was a Miranda. Sarcastic, Pessimist and Realist Miranda! Well, I also have a slight Charlotte in me. Friends who knew me would agree that I am UPTIGHT! I have some Carrie, I'm into writing and fashion. But I think, much as I love Samantha, there is no single hint of a Samantha in me.

I felt that I have been holding back of what I can be or what I can do with my life. Sooner or later, I will be reunited physically with Beamer and I am looking forward to that. But right now, I feel really really really procrastinating.

I used to be a party girl! I used to be FUN! Now I feel like I'm so old and so tired! OMG! I'm suffering from mid-life crisis!


I have the full season of Sex & the City. I feel that I grew up through their mantra! I have learned a lot from the girls! Because of them I did not succumb to just be with someone who will treat me badly just because I like them. Because of them I have learned that I have to love myself first before looking for my partner.

I am thankful to the unseen mover of all for bringing Beamer to me or me to him. He made me feel like I don't need anyone else (with the exception of my family and trusted friends) and with him I feel complete.

Hell! If I didn't feel that way I wouldn't even be blogging of him. I love the guy! He proved to be worthy of my love and my devotion. He is my main MAN! I cannot even stop professing my love for him!

Still! I feel that I am procrastinating! I need to do something about this!

The time to act is NOW!

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