Saturday, September 18, 2010

LUB aka Luisa Bina Rivera

There comes a time in your life that you get to meet a person who simply makes a mark in your heart.

Lub aka Luisa Bina Rivera. I remembered when I arrived in Dubai Accommodation, in the middle of nowhere. We used to have roommates who sucks! Mine is an asswipe who thinks that I am very noisy because I take showers and she don't. Ha Ha Ha!

Anyway, she has boyish appeal but I always see her as a sexy individual.

Lubster-I know that I am a difficult person, so it only follows that I am a difficult roommate. But you have always been understanding and always think about me. I may not talk to you at times because of my eccentricities but I know and has great confidence that she never spoke ill about me.

You see, I have a gift. I am paranoid, that's my gift.

I feel people stabbing me behind my back. I feel it when my mother talk to her friends about me. I feel it when a boy doesn't like me that much. I feel it when a friend is talking about me to other friends. I feel it when contempt is in the air. I feel it. Period!

Lub though not always around (in the flat~I don't know why!) has never been the type to blabbermouth. She is really a kind person. And she tells me things about what other people was saying about me behind my back! And because of this, I got her back! And because of this, she has my love.

So Lub, wherever you go and whatever you do, my heart goes with you and you will never be forgotten. I am hoping to seeing you soon in the Philippines when I am already Mrs. Beamer and a little Beamer is on the way.

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