Friday, August 27, 2010

A Thousand Miles (I am Belldandy)

Dedicated to my newest follower, Belldandy. A pioneer of the LDR club.
*Long distance Relationship Club with an existing relationship and never cheated. Apologies to others who decided to stray as you will never understand the beauty of monogamy unless you are one of us.

My apologies for being selfish because as soon as I have learned that you have plans of moving to Bahrain, I was not amused.

Who will do the birthday cards for my guests?
Who will make the birthday cards of the staffs?
Or the banners?
Or Invitations?
Whom shall I call when my laptop has virus?
Or other techie problems?
Or conversations with sense?
Or my RANTS?
Or utter the famous line, "Galit ka na Naman!" (You're Mad again!")?
Or Skype message at wee hours?

Or taste the food I cook and be appreciative even if it suck?


I recovered fast though. As soon as I have learned about this, I asked Wendy and BB to take over the cards and asked Belldandy to teach them.

After that, I am happy for her. I am really happy. Genuinely. Sincerely.

I know and understand that being on a Long Distance Relationship meant frustrations at times. I am a very impatient person but I managed to handle a long-distance relationship. I think bottom line is, if a person is on a mindset not to cheat then the relationship will work.

Long Distance relationships are hard. Difficult. Crucial.

Both individual must learn to trust each other. Trust, Love and Faith are the main ingredients in cooking a recipe called LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP.


I am happy for you. The world is vast. TRAVEL. Best of all, travel with the man you love and the man who loves you. I know that you were both young when you got married but I am happy for both of you and Mike because you are both strong for each other. It takes Real Love to make a long distance relationship work.

I am happy for your decision to be with Mike and start to be with your family. I know Lara is a good girl and she will be patient as well, until the time that all of you will be together. A family portrait. A smile that would be remembered for the rest of your life. I know how much you love Lara and how much you love Mike. And I know as well that there is nothing, nothing in this world that you would not do for them.

You are a good friend (again, annoyingly tactless at times but still loved) and a good employee (we are like ants!) and a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother.

As you continue your journey in life, I wish you luck and good health and lots of love that would last a lifetime. I love you girlfriend, even if I have difficulty showing it. Too much emotional baggage, that's why. lol

You brought joy to my really really unstable life. You did not judge the mess I have in my room (Its better to have a messy room, rather than messy love life or a cheap-looking shoes!) and you have managed to like me even if I am eccentric and really really bitchy and cranky and grumpy and devilish! So, because of that, I am thankful and appreciative and major major loving you.

PS: Thank you for doing our Engagement Invitations. Beamer loves it!


  1. It's a good thing I procrastinated in reading this! T_T you made me sound like a friggin' lil' miss perfect lolz! What can I say? Well, thank you for starters I am happy to be appreciated ^^. I do so enjoy your views and outlooks in life. And yeah, I'm not bothered by your 'eccentricities (I have my own lol) and really really bitchy and cranky and grumpy and devilish personality' fact is.. I love it! @_@ You're not YOU if you're not all those and more. Coz' we know despite the fierce exterior you have a good heart that cares for friends. It'll be really awkward the next time I see you (later x_x) but you have warmed my heart. Love you too. ♥♥

    PS: I'm just a call and FB msg away for tech probs.

  2. Believe me, It will not be the same! I cannot be as intensely BITCHY if you dont see me in person!
    Its not gonna be awkward because nothing will change! Im still gonna be BITCHY! mwahahahahahaha!
