Tuesday, October 05, 2010


On FB lately, I have been predicted by Madame Meg (Hahahaha!) that I will have good news! And that I should wear BLACK! And more good news for me and my fiance'!

How the hell did Madame Meg knew I had a fiance? And why do I need to wear black?

Anyhow, I still wore black today. Well, first I have to wear red as I have babysat a cute 2 year old Russian kid for 4 hours. His name is Josef and here is the course of our intellectual conversation:

Moi: Kak Tivia Savoot?
Josef: Dodies

Moi: Tivia Savoot Dodies?
Josef: Nyeto!
(Note: I asked him his name and he replied with a wrong name.)

Moi: Minne Savoot Leya!
Josef: Alo Leya!

Moi: Skolko Tive let?
Josef: Dva!

Moi: Josef Kak Dela?
Josef: Narmalna!

Moi: Ya edu Kuzhat!
Josef: Papit!

Moi: Harashu!
Moi: Singing all Russian Phrases
Josef: Singing in reply

He was the cutest kid with vibrant green eyes. He likes BB very much as he loves saying her name: Lubi!

Moi: Josef, Lubi Krasavica?
Josef: Nyet!

I am smitten with the kid and everything went smoothly despite the fact that he cried when he saw me at the door. He knew that his Mamu will leave him. What a sweetheart! Hahahaha!

Afterwards, Kimmy and I traveled from hotel to Dubai Marina metro station (through taxi with Chappy Short) to Al Jafiliya station and rode another taxi to the Al Mina Police station to get my Police Clearance result. It went smoothly as compared to what we had experienced previously before wherein we were lost and a lot of taxi rides going to wrong side of the world!

We ordered for a taxi which arrived earlier than 15 minutes which saved us time. We then went to look for the Polyclinic where I should have my medical exam and we arrived really early but really starving.

There was a cafe on the ground floor and we decided to have a 3 MEET Pizza (that's what the menu said, but I think it's supposed to be 3 MEAT because its composed of Ham, Pepperoni and sausage. Nevertheless, I gorged myself until I was full with an avocado shake while Kimmy had a Lemon Mint.

Then, waited for the clinic to open. Waited for the nurse. Took off my necklaces and bra and shirt and put on a lab gown and had an x-ray. Waited for the nurse again. Another nurse arrived. Took my weight. Took my height. Took my blood pressure. Pulse rate. Took blood. And again. Waited at the Lobby. Results arrived. doctor arrived. Doctor asked for nurse to turn on the TV because he was on TV being interviewed. turns out he is a famous doctor. Went for the Physical exam. Psychological exam.

Dr. Nayal: Do you have a history of Depression?
Moi: Define depression doc.

Dr. Nayal: Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Moi: No! I love breathing!
(I thought: Why would I make my enemies lives easier by obliterating myself when I can make their lives miserable just by existing?)
Dr. Nayal: Have you ever thought of killing someone?
Moi: No!
(I thought, hell YEAH!!!!)

But he was a funny doctor with a goatee. I then told him afterwards that he looked better without a goatee to which he replied that I should not tell the nurses outside as they also said so.

I am HAPPY! As a bee! For the results of our journey. It was smooth and really successful.

Kimmy and I then went from Deira City Center metro station to the Al Karama station and walked for like 15 minutes to a barber shop where he had his haircut with side bangs. Ha Ha Ha!

Then we went to Al Attar and I bought trousers and he bought a blouse for Yvette's partee!

Catch 9:15pm bus going to Accommodation.

Smooth and successful journey for the day. Thank God! and I am glad i wore BLACK!

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